Environment Day Celebration!
5 de June 2021
El 5 de julio se celebró el Environment Day en 4°básico B, donde los estudiantes hablaron junto a su miss Vera, la importancia del cuidado del medioambiente en la unidad “Where it comes from”.
Algunas de las preguntas en la que los estudiantes tuvieron que reflexionar fueron: ¿Crees qué es importante cuidar el medioambiente? y ¿Qué harías para informar a nuestra comunidad escolar sobre este tema? Y sus respuestas fueron:
“Yes it is important to take care of it, because if we don’t have a clean planet, and all the trash is dispersed on the floor or in the water or both, with pollution, we will not have water and without water we don’t have plants and without plants we don’t have animals and also food”.🌎
“Yes, because we live in it and if we do not take care of it all the plants and trees can die and if they die some animals will not have anything to eat and because of that they might get extinct and someday the planet might end without them”.
“I think we should have a campaign against pollution called “Animals need a home” or “Bye bye pollution” which consists of making tiny houses for birds or planting trees” 🌲🌳
“Paste some posters in the classrooms and hallways and entrance of the school that say: throw your garbage in trash can and if there is none keep it in your pocket, recycle everything you can, try not to use plastic, do a campaign to stop global warming, organize informative workshop about the environments issue.”
Ahora los estudiantes trabajan en posters hecho por ellos para difundir su campaña para cuidar el medioambiente. Excellent work!